Tuesday, April 7, 2020


OP: Why hasn't EXO's popularity dropped? Generally, once the peak period has passed, their popularity would cool off right? EXO's peak was Growl, but how come EXO haven't cooled off?

  • [PANN] I'm not picking a fight but I'm legitimately curious

Overall: +275

[+117] Fan love..? EXO are famous for their amazing fan love
      > Heol ㅜㅜ I see, so EXO treats their fans really well, I'm very fond of them! These days I'm in the denial stage of joining EXO's fandom..? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Thanks for letting me know, kids!!

      > At a music show, the security guard called EXO-Ls crazy fangirls and shouted at them whether they were treating their parents right. It was talked about a lot on twitter. EXO found out about the situation and told the security guard to also take care of the fans. When they won first place on the music show, they said they knew everything, they were always grateful and that they loved us!!

      > Because of things like this, I can't leave
"Thank you EXO-Ls, I miss you a lot... it's been a while, bog515 (i miss you)"

       > Agreed...ㅠㅠ Whenever I think of Junmyeon saying oppa knows everything, my heart still hurts

[+113] I personally think it's because EXO's love for EXO-Ls is very obvious and they are always trying to repay the love we give them. Also, it somehow feels like EXO-Ls are going out to war together (not in a bad way)... Lastly, they're very memorable. They're the group that I liked in the prettiest time of my life, no matter how much fandom scandals happen, on the contrary I think I become more fond

[+113] Their core fandom is f*cking cool. I think because their fandom was always big, there are a lot of core fans...

[+75] Because they're EXO

[+61] Firstly, there's no visual hole
       > For real, it's like a relay of a handsome guy next to a handsome guy.. When I watch their stage mixes, every time the camera moves, it's a new kind of handsomeness. I don't who my eyes should fix on

[+52] Their fan love and their ever un-aging faces
       > Look at the pictorial of Baekhyun that was just released, I really thought it was 2012 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ If his face in his 8th year and his face from early debut are exactly the same, what to do...ㅠㅠ

        > Look at Xiumin and Suho.. How are those the faces of people in their 30s? I'd believe it if you told me they're 23; 

        > ㅋㅋㅋㅋ EXO-Ls are aging for EXO

[+49] Objectively, from a non-fans view, their unprecedented lack of visual holes. Generally, when other idols hit their 7th year, you can start to tell that it's just business between the members but it doesn't seem that way with EXO. The ladder-whatever show appeared in my youtube algorithm so I watch it sometimes, I'm not even a fan but I had a gummy smile on my face.. I'm really curious about this, but by any chance did the EXO members give birth to Sehun..?
        > The boys baby Sehun. They've watched him grow up from an elementary school student. Apparently Park Chanyeol and Oh Sehun went home together after school in elementary school

        > That last line came out of nowhere ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ When it comes to groups with amazing maknae love, it's EXO right..

[+48] Their consistent influx of new fans. It hasn't even been 40 days since I started liking them

[+23] For me, honestly the biggest factor is their concept + the quality of their music and physical albums. I think the people who fall for this part are the ones who find it the hardest to leave

[+17] Because there's an entrance but there's no exit

[+15] There's a huge influx of new fans even with just one comeback

[+14] As a fan, it's because their fan love is real. Seriously, EXO and EXO-Ls love is mutual. EXO give as much as EXO-Ls. They make it so that we can fangirl really really happily, and if the company doesn't give us something, they themselves will try their best to make content that the fans like. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ


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