Tuesday, April 28, 2020


OP: Am i the only who just found out about this. Their scale is huge. But I can't go because of the virus, i really wanted to go see it ㅠㅠㅠ This is the first time they put a celebrity birthday ad and it will not happen again. 

  • [PANN] Sehun birthday support at Everland

Overall: +488

[+73] Which celebrity has ever done a birthday support in Everland, f*ck ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Their scale is crazy. SehunBar did a lot this time. Bus, subway, big screen at Terminal 1 and also Kakaotalk banner which is a first for fandoms

[+68] Wow their scale is f*king huge. How much they have to spend for that...

[+30] Wow Oh Sehun is the first celebrity, no one else has ever done it before

[+24] EXO is EXO

[+21] This is daebak too... Plane wrapping.. China Eris are the best...
[+20] Honestly i don't really like SehunBar but their birthday support is really respectable. They always come out with the most ridiculous ads. The picture below is from 2018, the first time Sehun birthday ad was printed on New York Times. For your information, one ad costs more than 230 million KRW.. This is the first and the last, i have not seen any other artist birthday support on New York Times after Sehun...
[+4] Heol it feels like a scene from a drama



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