Friday, May 22, 2020


"I hope Kim Junmyeon will become a singer who sings no matter what..." 2005.10.12

First of all, please listen to the end ㅋㅋㅋ
I was sincerely surprised yesterday. By the way, Suho is the lead vocal.

Because people say things like "he can't sing", "he doesn't have that main vocal feel", I uploaded this post. Of course, everyone may have their own different opinions regarding main vocals, so don't fight me

At ant rate, I feel like he's severely underrated when it comes to vocals.. I hope people understand that he's definitely not unlistenable...ㅠㅠ

"In everything I do, I'm always sincere."
  • [PANN] Um Suho's singing skills ㅋㅋ Check this out
Overall: +284

[+58]  He's good at singing. "Do you know who healed me and let me live? It was EXO-Ls" << This was originally a line from The Man Who Laughs, but he changed it to EXO-L while doing the L sign with his hand, I was totally touched ㅠㅠㅠ Kim Junmyeon's fan love is always so touching ❤

[+56] This is one of the numbers from The Man Who Laughs that I really liked. I'm so glad that it's on public TV ㅠㅠㅠ If you go to Seoul Arts Center, his voice is even louder and you can hear it better ㅠ Junmyeonie has a sweet voice but his voice also has power. He really sings well

[+52] But Junmyeonie can sing even better than that ㅠㅠㅠㅠ If you watch the play at the venue, during the curtain call, he sang at an even higher key. The chills were no joke.... There are many members known for their vocals in EXO, thats why. He's very talented ㅠㅠㅠ Check out Suho's Let's Love! ㅎㅎ The b-sides are all title track worthy which makes it better. If you listen to all 5 songs, at least one of them will be your taste ㅎㅎ

 [+27] Xiumin too... In EXO, he's one of the members that can sing super high notes, and at CBX's concerts, Xiumin was in charge of many high notes. When he was in EXO-M, he was head to head with Luhan. When Luhan left, he had no one to 'push' vocals with, so many people don't know about his talent... He was 2nd place in overall vocals at SM's audition.. ㅠㅠ

[+17] EXO are good at singing.. Aren't they the top..? Their lead vocal is already this level ㅋㅋ

[+17] He has a sweet voice but there's no apprehension in his voice

[+15] What can Kim Junmyeon not do..


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