Saturday, November 20, 2021


The coat has a hanbok feel, it's really a unique concept style

  • [PANN] What is this Kai teaser that was just released?

Overall: +368

[+80] Kai was busy preparing for his comeback and he has been staying up late for the past 2 days. His eyes were about to close but he turned on his Instagram live instead

  >> You're telling me his face is that pretty even though he stayed up all night?

[+78] Heol it's not hanbok. They did a good job reforming it... It looks good on him

[+64] I was amazed when i saw it..

[+17] It makes non-fan look forward to it and want to see it

[+16] If you remove the album title and change it Vogue or Elle, it immediately turns into a magazine cover

[+13] What a great idea, an outfit that looks like hanbok but it's not hanbok

[+12] It's fascinating how it gives a hanbok feel but it's not hanbok

[+11] As expected the Gucci global ambassador Kim Kai. He manage to pull off that kind of outfit

[+8] What's with Kai's aura, it's crazy. I really liked his 1st album and i think the 2nd one would be even more daebak

[+8] He did f*king well, why is his face so pretty

[+7] It's like a movie poster, it's beautiful!!

[+7] It feels like a combination of western and oriental painting

[+6] Anyway he is just f*king good in taking pictures.. Crazy

[+6] It looks like a page from a magazine 

[+6] When i saw the pink picture that was first released, i thought it would be a classic movie concept, turns out it's totally not that ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm curious about the other pictures too... It's fun to look at Kai's teasers because he is so good at taking pictures


  • [THEQOO] EXO Kai 2nd mini album Peaches timetable

- Look at his aura

- It reminds me of the hanbok he wore in Pyeongchang

- A trench coat that looks like hanbok, how unique

- Kai is seriously the master of concepts

- Is it going to be oriental style

- It looks like there will be Kai film again

- I wonder what kind of song it's going to be. The teaser alone already looks like a movie. This is daebak.

- It's just a timetable but it looks like a masterpiece ㅋㅋㅋ

- Wow it's a pictorial

- The album photobook version will be filled with that kind of pictorial-like pictures as well!! I'm so looking forward to it. My heart is starting to pound

- Wow he took a pictorial, f*king cool

- Kai is truly amazing, Kai is the concept itself



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