Saturday, November 13, 2021


  • [PANN] Heol! Kai solo comeback!!

Overall: +400

[+106] Kai solo comeback on 30 November!!! Sweetest peaches!!

"Kai 2nd album Peaches, the sweetest"
(t/n: it's a meme about peaches and someone included 'Kai 2nd album')

[+89] From the moment Kai changed his Bubble nickname to Human Peach, i knew that the album would be related to peaches. Turns out the album name is Peaches ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Cute

  >> Kim Jongin's crazy sense

  >> I thought he would be dyeing his hair pink...

[+82] He has already ripped the stage apart

[+49] Is it going to be youthful and sexy ㅠㅠㅠ I am having goosebumps

[+40] He was trending #1 worldwide the moment the teaser was released

[+27] 11 November is not Pepero Day, it's Kai's teaser day 

[+25] I'm really looking forward to Kai's MV. I hope it'll be daebak like Mmmh's

[+24] Kai's 1st album was released on 30 November 2020. And now he's releasing his 2nd album exactly 1 year after that

[+19] Kai with a soft and refreshing concept, i couldn't even imagine it

[+17] Instead of a refreshing sexy concept, i think it's going to be dreamy sexy

[+16] Wouldn't it be something that leans more towards adult sexy?

[+13] The logo is pretty too

[+12] Kai's last album's quality was really daebak and i really liked the songs too. The teasers were really pleasing to the eyes, Kai film was crazy and the MV is speechless. The more than 100 million views proved his star quality. This new album feels like a level-up, let's be even more daebak Kai-ah

[+12] Heol Peaches. It gives a somewhat sweet, dreamy and sexy feel

[+11] Refreshing sexy or adult sexy or dreamy sexy, nobody knows what it's going to be but it's funny how everyone must include  'sexy' in their guesses ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Human Peach, how cute

[+10] He's releasing a new album exactly 1 year after his solo debut. I wonder if he matched the dates on purpose? I think it's going to be daebak


This was Kai's logo last year. They replaced 'A' with 开, and his name Kai is expressed as K开I, this is also the title of his album.

Exactly 1 year after that, Kai's 2nd album logo was released today
At first glance it looks like cursive font, but actually they have combined 'A' and '开' together again

  • [THEQOO] EXO logo team showed off their (pervert) ability again with new Kai logo 

- EXO logos are all logo masters

- They made the logo well

- Both the logo and color schemes are pretty

- Kai's name suits him as well ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Looking forward to his album

- I agree that they are professionals when it comes to logos

- As expected EXO the restaurant of logos. The new logo is really pretty

- The logo team is really daebak

- They are logo masters but more importantly Kai's name is pretty

- I like how even though the members solo are different from the group, but they still incorporate the group's worldview in them

- On one hand SM doesn't do their work, but on the other their design team is so good at what they do

- Their ability is amazing to a pervert level. They were hiring people for the worldview team, so did they hire professionals for the logo team as well

- They have always made the best logos

- I like how clean the logo is

- They are really sincere about logos ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's pretty

- You could guess what the concept is just by looking at the logo



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