Thursday, April 11, 2019


  • [THEQOO] EXO Sehun who looks like someone who doesn't care about other people's business but he actually has a lot of curiosity

Sehun-ie looks like a person who wouldn't care about other people's business (cold look) but he actually has a lot of curiosity and have plenty of things that he wants to do with his member hyungs.

He once said on radio that he hope they can combine the group because he was disappointed that he wasn't able to go for massage with Jongdae hyung ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Sehun-ie who is curious about what the hyungs are talking about
k0evagn%25282%2529.gifLet.... Let Sehun-ie listen too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

r4%25281%2529.gifHyung, me too me too

On a day as dope as this too....

Let me see it too 눈_눈

Sehun ah, you should paint where the word '칠' is marked ;;

Actually the EXO logo that Sehun-ie draw is also.... yeah.... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Looking cool while wearing sunglasses...

But he couldn't see his screen ㅋㅋㅋ

005qlljngw1ethsn1uv66g309w05ku0x%25281%2His cunning attempt to peek at the results because he was curious 

982aa24agw1eigna24ccbg20ai08ykjq%25281%2This snack is Sehun-ie's favorite snack. Fans luring him to their side with snacks ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

xx5svj2%2B%25281%2529%25281%2529.gifChecking out a new snack with utmost seriousness

0b2s7tpvo0clqtut3b21rnwp3ske%25281%2529.He plays well even when he's alone on the float (green float)

tumblr_myqqvmcqjo1qzh5sno3_250%25281%252The normal reaction during confetti shower

I don't know what he was curious about that he had to look at it so seriously, but it's cute

Sehun-ie who is curious of his hyungs' faces / expressions
 3d4d4a7511b0c0f6d4e768176f563e9b%25281%2Looking at them from the side even while doing greetings

Hyung what are you doing?

There are many screenshots like these too ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
"You're EXO right? Eyyy~ I'm pretty sure you are EXO~~?"

a5a332c1tw1eqspcc91bhg20at07nu0y%25282%2We should do 'hwaiting' together


tumblr_n8wx45fyjw1rl8ttqo1_r1_250%25281%Hyung you should 'we are one' too

0b2s7tpvo0clqugnmddvbt001wwm%25281%2529.It drives me crazy that he ran to the front to do something like that ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

HIhsl.gifIf we all put out the same, we should gather everyone's hand in the middle without leaving anyone out. Sehun-ie pulled D.O.'s hand to the middle ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9ba6513a5dad0dc0021ee5bd1683a117%25283%2Lost his microphone

a4151043jw1e9g5pxg1t3g20by0ffu10%25282%2I thought the hyungs (throws) would be weaker than mine but they (threw it) strongly

fe%25281%2529.gifSehun-ie imitating Baekhyun-ie at the back



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